Wildlife Diary 9 September 2010

Good Morning All,

The pine marten showed really well last night along with some deer and a few hedgehogs. I only saw the hedgehogs when I logged on last night. Now that the pine marten has decided to stick around we will be putting out a more varied diet for it. You will see the occasional egg and may be some road kill as we want to make sure the marten has a near natural diet as possible. Don’t worry we will make sure we only serve up small pieces of meat. You will probably not even see them amongst the peanuts, raisins and meal worms that are on the table.

You will be glad to hear that the blog will be running throughout the winter. There may be some changes before the osprey get back but I hope you wont mind being my guinea pigs through the winter months. We will find out together what works and what doesn’t and hopefully come up with something that works more efficiently.

Have a good day everyone.


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Good Morning All, The pine marten showed really well last night along with some deer and a few hedgehogs. I only saw the hedgehogs when I logged on last night. …

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