Enjoy a Breath of Fresh Air

I am away on holiday this week so I thought I would let you know about a new Scottish Wildlife Trust campaign! It involves ‘jars’ of air from our 120 reserves around Scotland and the aim is to increase people’s connection with nature.

Enjoy a  Breath of Fresh Air (c) Scottish Wildlife Trust
Enjoy a Breath of Fresh Air (c) Scottish Wildlife Trust

The ‘Breaths of Fresh Air’ campaign is designed to give the public a chance to experience the different smells produced by the grasslands, wildflower meadows, woodlands and the many other types of habitat managed by the Trust. With 120 scents on offer – such as the harebells cliffs of Longhaven in Aberdeenshire, the hints of vanilla from the greater butterfly-orchid found in Bo’mains Meadow near Linlithgow, or the lichen and mosses of Ballachuan Hazelwood on Seil Island – visitors to Trust reserves will be spoiled for choice.

It is well documented that encounters with nature have proven physical and mental health benefits. We hope ‘Breaths of Fresh Air’ will help to increase the public’s connection with nature. Best of all, there is no need for the Trust to fill real jars with ‘Breaths of Fresh Air’ because 90% of the population of Scotland lives within 10 miles of a Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve. It’s the school holidays, so it is a great time to get outside and enjoy the wildlife that is right on your doorstep. People can easily find their nearest Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve on our website.

During our 50th Anniversary year, the Scottish Wildlife Trust would like people to take a little bit of time to enjoy a ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ of their own this summer. People are encouraged to tweet their ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ to the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Twitter account – @ScotWildlife – using the hashtag #MyBreathofFreshAir.

Laura Preston – Scottish Wildlife Trust, Falls of Clyde Ranger

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I am away on holiday this week so I thought I would let you know about a new Scottish Wildlife Trust campaign! It involves ‘jars’ of air from our 120 …

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