Wildllife Diary Thurs 12th July

 Our young Osprey Blue44 is going from strength to strength and has today been doing some great jumps whilst flapping- actually off the nest vertically a few inches, before landing

Osprey Chick Update 12th July

 Update on Osprey chick satellite tracking Harness As we mentioned last night, our Osprey chick Blue 44, has acquired a slender thread hanging down his chest from the satellite tracking

Look out, chickens about

Did you know we have chickens in the woods here at the Falls of Clyde? They are completely wild and free to roam. Well not that they can because these

Wildlife Diary 11th July

The Thread: Keen Osprey webcam watchers will have noticed that our osprey chicks Blue 44 has a slender sewing thread currently hanging down from the Satellite tracking harness on his

Moth madness

Some of the trees on the reserve look like they are undergoing a spider infestation. These cobweb like structures are actually where moth eggs are laid and hatch out to

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