Osprey Diary 17th August

  Good morning all, Emma here , back after another wee four day break, which means I have been busy catching up this morning on all our wildlife news with

Join SWT’s Hunterston campaign

Nothing to do with Lowes wildlife, but for anyone who may be interested in helping protect this SSSI, lodge your objection here: http://www.swt.org.uk/campaigns/hunterston-development/email-your-objection-to-hunterston/ Information regarding reasons why SWT is objecting

Osprey Diary August 15, 2010

Light shrouds of mist in the basin as I came to work, heavy dew on meadow, and a wren singing its’ heart, and of course mine… It has been clearing as I have

Osprey Diary August 14, 2010

Again, another crystal clear morn… My comment I note, comes from being above the surface of the earth, above the surface of the Loch. Oftentimes, at the Visitors Centre here, we

Osprey Diary August 13, 2010

A grand morning it is at the Loch! Beautiful light, flat water. As the days pass, I ponder migrants everywhere, gathering in groups, in flocks and as individuals. “Our” male must

Osprey Diary August 12th

  Loch of the Lowes is a busy place at the moment with our two young ospreys out and about all over, and trying their fishing skills in between rain

Osprey Diary 11th August

  Our two young ospreys have feeling pretty soggy this morning with another wet day meaning they are roosting in the trees away from the nest where there is a

Osprey Diary 10th August

Both our juvenile ospreys have been on the nest this morning, seeing off corvid intruders quite stridently.  They are both handling looking after themselves remarkably well, although dad is still supplying fish.

Osprey Diary 9th August

  “Over to Dad”  With our female osprey’s departure to African pastures for the winter, the two juveniles have been left in dads care at Loch of the Lowes. This

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