A brilliant summer of badger-watching
So far, we have had a great summer of watching Falls of Clyde’s resident badgers. I have had the pleasure of leading over a dozen Badger Watches this year and, I am happy to say, the badgers made an appearance on every occasion! At the sett we have been observing this year, we have seen as many as six badgers at once, including at least two cubs.

It has been so much fun to watch a badger family play-fighting, grooming, snuffling in the undergrowth for food and trotting through the trees. In addition, we have occasionally seen what I like to call a ‘bonus badger’ on our way back from the sett. Twice we saw a very young cub, only about a foot long, crossing the path in front of us on our walk back down to the Visitor Centre. We have also been lucky enough to see other wildlife near the sett, such as baby rabbits, a fox with cubs, a roe deer buck and a buzzard.
This is the time of year when badger cubs are getting bigger and starting to look more like adults. Soon they will have less time for playing and will spend most of their time eating, storing up fat reserves for the coming winter. They will reach adulthood after a year and a half to two years of age.
Occasionally, some will disperse and find other setts to settle into; both cubs and adult badgers have been known to join other setts. This is a gradual process, starting with nightly visits, usually to neighbouring setts close to home. If the neighbours are welcoming, then the new badger will join them permanently.
There are still some places left on our remaining Badger Watches on Thursday 18th August, Saturday 20th August and Thursday 25th August. This may be your last chance to grab this wonderful opportunity to see badgers, so follow this link to book now! www.thefallsofclyde.eventbrite.com
Sarah Cooper – Seasonal Ranger, Scottish Wildlife Trust
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So far, we have had a great summer of watching Falls of Clyde’s resident badgers. I have had the pleasure of leading over a dozen Badger Watches this year and, …