Title: Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels – Local Squirrel Monitor (North East)
Status: Volunteer
Location: Bucksburn/Hazelhead/West End/Garthdee
Closing date: 28th February 2025
SSRS has been working locally with Aberdeen City Council and wider project partners since 2009 to reduce grey squirrel density and distribution in the north east. Our work to date has been very successful, and we are now aiming to completely eradicate grey squirrels from the north east of Scotland. With the help of local volunteers, we are carrying out intensive survey and monitoring work across the region to detect remaining individuals and humanely dispatch them.
Your role will help contribute towards these efforts, carrying out feeder-box surveys as part of the SSRS’s North East Team’s Rapid Response Monitoring. Survey results will inform our grey squirrel control on the ground. Red squirrels and pine martens may also be detected during surveys.
What we are looking for:
- someone who is enthusiastic about protecting red squirrels
- someone able to offer about 1 – 4 hours per fortnight, dependent on size of survey location
- someone with a good level of fitness
What you will get in return:
- a great work environment with fantastic views
- a great staff and volunteer team
- learn new wildlife identification skills