Clever little treecreepers

Today I have the nice job of manning the peregrine watch site. Hopefully by the time you read this our peregrines will have laid multiple eggs, as I type this

The body language of trees

After last week, I will never look at a tree the same way again! I went on a training course all about looking at the body language of trees which

The heart of a tree

Did you know that a tree has a heart? Not a beating heart that we have but a heart of dead wood that runs through the centre of the tree.

Likin’ the lichen

Lichen can be found in a huge variety of places, from rocks and tree trunks, to volcanoes and arctic tundra. But what is it? Is it a plant, fungus or

Skeletons in the woods

With spring leaping in to action the leaves are starting to come out on the trees. The remains of last years leaves are still around though, with drifts of dry

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