Feed ducks healthy food

Feeding ducks and other waterfowl is something that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is likely that everyone has either fed ducks bread or seen someone else do so. But did you know that bread is not very nutritious for ducks?

Ducks, like us humans, need a varied diet to be healthy. Bread doesn’t have a lot of nutritional value. Ducks can easily get full up on bread and then don’t forage for other foods they would naturally eat. Can you imagine the health issues you would have if you only ate bread?

What healthy snacks should we treat ducks to instead of bread?

  • Sweetcorn
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Oats
  • Rice
  • Seeds


Peas make ducks very hap-pea!


Mallard © Andrew Parkinson 2020/VISION


Below you can download and print the duck poster template to help spread the word about healthy duck food!

What you will need:

  • Printed activity sheet (on white paper is best)
  • Colouring pens/pencils


How to make your poster:

  1. You can either use the poster template we have provided or grab some plain paper and make their own design.
  2. Colour in the poster and add text that helps spread the word about what is good food for ducks.
  3. Once finished, decide who you would like to share the poster with. Should it be displayed somewhere, or given to someone for them to learn from? Think about audiences, e.g., friends, family, school, local community groups and businesses.
  4. Remember to be responsible when putting up posters outdoors – they can easily become litter. Does your local woodland have a noticeboard you can display it in?
  5. Why not take a video or photo of your posters, or you feeding the ducks healthy food, and share it with us!


Share your poster with us by using #DiscoverLearnPlay


Time to complete

30 minutes

Suitable for audience

Suitable for season

Suitable location

Suitable for age

Activity type

Environmental Spotlight

Curriculum linked

  • Expressive Arts (Art and design)
  • Health and Wellbeing (Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing)
  • Sciences (Planet Earth)
  • Social Studies (People, place and environment)

Advice for Educators

Before you make the posters, start a discussion with your group… has anyone seen people feeding ducks bread? Did you know that bread is their version of junk food? What could we feed ducks instead of bread?


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