Beavers in the frame

May 2019 has been a big month for beavers. Following decades of work, beavers officially became a European Protected Species (EPS) in Scotland on 1 May. This is a highly

Grub’s Up

It could be argued that there is no finer sight than an osprey successfully catching a fish. We would love to have seen LM12 catch yesterday’s whopping trout, one of

Daily life on the nest

Over a week has passed since our first two osprey chicks hatched, and along with our third chick (who hatched in the early hours of last Thursday morning) all are

The Return of the Rings

The past week has been particularly exciting for our resident osprey pair here at Lowes. All three eggs have hatched, with the first and second chicks emerging on the 11th

Be Nice to Nettles

So, they may not be your favourite plant and they’ve certainly earned themselves a bad reputation. But we’re here to change your mind about nettles, as we think they’re definitely

Flyday, Saturday

I renamed last Saturday, Flyday. Shame that what I observed didn’t happen the day before. Whilst outside enjoying the stunning weather, I realised there were a plethora of winged beasts

Fighting for Scotland’s Nature after Brexit

In 2013, the Scottish Coal Company ltd., a subsidiary of Miller Mining, went into liquidation, leaving the question of who would take responsibility for the damaging opencast mines it had

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