The Scottish Wildlife Trust has launched the Action for Nature project to help people in the region connect with the natural environment and ensure it is protected for future generations.
The Trust joins eight other Scottish charities in receiving funding from the ScottishPower Foundation. The Action for Nature project will help connect people from diverse backgrounds with local wildlife, helping to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to protect nature in their neighbourhoods. This year-long project will support a range of volunteering opportunities and carry out practical conservation work across 15 sites in Ayrshire, including our wildlife reserves around Irvine.
Conservation activities will include planting trees, creating ponds and enhancing the natural habitat for insects. The Trust will also work with a range of local community groups to help them develop nature conservation skills.
To launch the project, volunteers from the Trust and members of the local community recently planted trees at Shewalton Wood Wildlife Reserve.
“We want everyone to be able to have the chance to get hands-on to learn about and help nature, and we’re delighted to have support from the ScottishPower Foundation to make that happen.”
Harry Richards
Action for Nature Project Officer Harry Richards said: “Getting involved in nature conservation can be life-changing. From gaining new skills and experiences to having somewhere to meet and socialise with others, there are a huge range of benefits.
“We want everyone to be able to have the chance to get hands-on to learn about and help nature, and we’re delighted to have support from the ScottishPower Foundation to make that happen.
“This new project builds on the positive links we’ve created with local people and organisations through our engagement work which has been supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and gives more people the chance to become involved in supporting nature’s recovery in Ayrshire.”

Scottish Power Foundation & Scottish Wildlife Trust ” Action for Nature in Ayrshire Project launch
Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee at the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “We’re privileged to be able to support such an important project, which will improve the biodiversity in Ayrshire and bring the community together through volunteering opportunities.
“The ScottishPower Foundation is committed to supporting projects that make a positive impact on both people’s lives and the environment. The Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Action for Nature project in Ayrshire allows the local community to learn important conservation skills and helps people reconnect with each other and nature.”
To get involved with the Trust’s work in Ayrshire, meet new people, and help local wildlife contact Action for Nature Officer Harry Richards. Email for information.
How volunteering has already benefited people in Ayrshire
Volunteering with the Trust has helped Ian Young get outdoors and meet new people after recovering from serious illness. He said: “The benefits of being outdoors and doing useful work in congenial company can’t be overstated.
“When you are in hospital for long periods, your community becomes restricted to family, people around the ward and then the clinics. It’s too easy for your horizons to become restricted to health, or lack of it. Getting out with the group made me meet new people again.”
“Contributing to the local environment is a great feeling. My wildlife knowledge has increased, and I now have a new-found appreciation for the natural world.”
Alison Twilley
Alison Twilley began volunteering when she retired from a high-pressure job. She said: “I was keen to meet new people, feel useful and didn’t want to stay at home ‘wasting away’. I have come to love the group sessions and meeting my new friends every Thursday is a highlight for me.
“Contributing to the local environment is a great feeling. My wildlife knowledge has increased, and I now have a new-found appreciation for the natural world.”
The ScottishPower Foundation was established in 2013 to make a significant and lasting contribution to society, enhancing the lives of people living in communities throughout the UK. It provides funding to help support the advancement of education, environmental protection, arts and culture and citizenship. It also supports charities who aim to provide relief from poverty, disability, or other disadvantages.
Further information on the Foundation can be found at