Lantern making at Falls of Clyde

There will be an exciting opportunity to enjoy a lantern making workshop and parade at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Falls of Clyde Visitor Centre on Sunday 10 November.  The lantern making

Fright by lantern light at the Falls of Clyde

Join the team at the Falls of Clyde, New Lanark, for a fright-filled evening to celebrate Halloween in style! The evening will begin by making pumpkin night lights and witches' brooms,

Deputy Prime Minister visits Cathkin Marsh

The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, took time away from the Liberal Democrat party conference in Glasgow to visit the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Cathkin Marsh Wildlife Reserve in order to

World Forum early bird discount ends soon

There are now just 22 days to go before the early bird booking deadline for the World Forum on Natural Capital, which will take place in Edinburgh at the Edinburgh International Conference

Exploring New Frontiers with Peter Cairns

Internationally acclaimed wildlife photographer and writer Peter Cairns will be appearing at La Scala, the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness on Wednesday 11 September 2013 at 7.30pm. As part of a

Five new beaver kits spotted in Knapdale

The Scottish Beaver Trial has announced five newly born beavers – known as kits – have been spotted. Field Operations Manager for the Scottish Beaver Trail, Roisin Campbell-Palmer, said: “The arrival

The Natural Capital Debt Bubble

A quiet but steady revolution is taking place in the environmental movement which is having profound implications for the business community. Environmentalism in the first half of the 20th century

Record 50th chick fledges the nest at Lowes

Leading conservation charity the Scottish Wildlife Trust has warmly welcomed news that the chick known as ‘Blue YZ’ has fledged (that is, taken its maiden flight) from the nest at

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