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Please contact the SSPCA on 03000 999 999.
Due to current restrictions these opportunities have been put on hold for the time being. However keep an eye on our volunteer page for further information on available volunteering positions.
Unfortunately we do not have anyone that is currently involved in agri-environmental schemes or similar initiatives. However the following links might be a helpful starting point:
Land use and?development?is indeed a key activity affecting wildlife in Scotland. Inappropriately located and badly designed?developments have significant, detrimental impacts on Scotland’s biodiversity and on people’s quality of life. The Scottish Wildlife Trust believes the?planning?system needs to be well informed, organised and implemented in a way that ensures Scotland’s biodiversity is adequately safeguarded and enhanced. We believe that the?planning?system should act as a guardian for biodiversity and actively support and promote its conservation, enhancement, restoration and expansion.
Unfortunately, we have extremely limited capacity to respond to?planning-related casework. The Trust must limit itself to responding to cases of national importance and even then, our resources are limited. We therefore rely on our network of volunteers and members of the public to highlight wildlife-related impacts during the?planning?process. To this end, the Trust has produced some guidance that can be helpful when responding to?planning?applications. Visit our Planning page to find out more.
You may also find the following links of interest:
Help us to build a picture of squirrel distribution across Scotland by submitting your sighting through the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels website.