Make a frog a home

The common frog is one of our best-known amphibians and just like its name suggests, it’s really common in Scotland! This species likes wet habitats, such as garden ponds, where they lay their eggs in big ‘rafts’ of spawn. A female frog may lay up to 4,000 eggs in one spring!


JARGON BUSTER: Amphibians are cold-blooded animals that live on both land and in water. There are only six types in Scotland – one frog, two toads, and three newts


Frogs have smooth, moist skin – which they also breathe through! They can also make their body colour lighter or darker to match their surroundings.


Common frog (c) Richard Burkmar


In winter they need a safe place to shelter and rest, although they don’t fully hibernate. Ideal winter resting places are underneath rocks, in compost heaps or in the mud at the bottom of ponds. This activity will help you to build a cosy and safe home for frogs and toads to see them through the winter.

What you will need:

  • A trowel or shovel
  • A clay plant pot
  • Damp, shaded spot of ground
  • Gardening gloves
  • A watering can or bottle

How to make your frog home:

  1. Dig a small hole in a damp and shaded spot.
  2. Place a clay plant pot on its side, in the hole.
  3. Bury the pot half way up the sides, and fill it half way with soil.
  4. Make it nice and cosy inside, by adding some damp leaves.
  5. Sprinkle the area with water using a watering can or water bottle – this will help to keep the pot in place.

Optional: Add a splash pool for your frog by placing a shallow dish containing gravel and some water near the entrance of your frog home!


Frog home © Anne Leatherland



Why not provide a home for your frogs and toads in summer too, by making a mini wildlife pond.


Share your photos of your frog home using #DiscoverLearnPlay

Time to complete

30 minutes

Suitable for season

Suitable location

Suitable for age

Activity type

Environmental Spotlight

Curriculum linked

  • Health and Wellbeing (Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing)
  • Sciences (Planet Earth)
  • Social Studies (People, place and environment)



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