Reserve Sightings

This week has continued the sightings of young birds throughout the Basin. The last count on the Eider ducklings was 103, as of today, and these have been joined by a number of garden and woodland bird juveniles, including Blue Tits, House Sparrows, Tree Sparrows, and Great Spotted Woodpecker. 11 Pheasant chicks were also spotted by the feeders on the 11th. A flock of 60 Starlings was also seen on the 13th. Not everyone’s favourite perhaps, but with Starling numbers in decline throughout Britain it’s always nice to see a healthy number here.

Red-breasted Mergansers and Goosanders are now a regular sighting with 25 of each spotted on the 8th and 9th respectively. As yet, there is still no sign of breeding on the tern raft, with only 4 Common Terns being spotted on the raft on a daily basis. However, Terns will breed right into June so we’re still keeping our fingers-crossed for now.

Other sightings on the reserve include a Yellowhammer at the Wigeon Hide on 9th; 4 Ruff, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Pintails on the 9th at the Lurgies; and a Marsh Harrier.

Georgina Bowie,  Visitor Centre Assistant

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This week has continued the sightings of young birds throughout the Basin. The last count on the Eider ducklings was 103, as of today, and these have been joined by …

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