Title: Volunteer Ranger – Eigg (5 opportunities available)
Status: full time, temporary
Location: Eigg
Closing date: Midday 17 February
We are looking for a number of committed volunteers to help support our seasonal ranger in a range of practical and surveying tasks. You will also have the chance to be involved in the Eigg tree nursey, wildlife events, guided walks and other activities on the island.
Free accommodation on Eigg, subsistence allowance & reasonable travel expenses to & from Eigg provided.
We have the following opportunities available:
- 1 x Long Term volunteer (4 months from late April to late August)
- 2 x Short Term volunteers (2 months May & June)
- 2 x Short Term volunteers (2 months July & August)
What we’re looking for
- committed to nature conservation
- happy to live in basic accommodation
- happy to undertake a range of practical and wildlife survey tasks
What you will get in return
- learn whilst having fun on a wonderful island setting
- meet and learn from knowledgeable Trust staff
- a chance to learn about the Trust and our work; a great boost for your CV!
Download full role description
Extra volunteer information about Eigg
Please note when applying, please specify which of the 3 roles you would be interested in. You may of course apply for any or all roles if you wish.