Top of the Blogs – 2016
Here we have a round up of the top 10 most read blog posts from 2016, we hope you enjoy reading your favourites again or finding some new ones! Click on the titles to open links to the posts.

Find out how many facts you already know about the most common breeding bird in the UK.
Learn how to identify the elusive tree sparrow and where best to spot them.
Learn how to tell these birds apart in case you do ever come across the rarer firecrest!
Read a comparison of two species of raptor (buzzards and red kites) and learn how to tell the difference between them.

This bird flies in groups, likes woodlands and parks, feeds on mistletoe and is a member of the thrush family – can you guess what it is? Read the blog to find out if you are right.
Do you know what you have in your pond? Also find out how to attract frogs and toads to your garden and the best place to put a new pond.
Read the update from March 2016 about the peregrine pair (sadly no peregrines replaced the ones we had in 2015, we are hoping a new pair will move in for 2017).
Learn some handy hints for telling the difference between peregrines and sparrowhawks.

Though they both live around water, eat similar foods and could be mistaken for the other at a distance, there are various features that set mink and otter apart – find out what they are by reading this blog.
Learn about sexual dimorphism in peregrine falcons.
From everyone here at The Falls of Clyde thankyou for reading and supporting our blog. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
Rebecca Crawford – Falls of Clyde Assistant Ranger, Scottish Wildlife Trust
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Here we have a round up of the top 10 most read blog posts from 2016, we hope you enjoy reading your favourites again or finding some new ones! Click …