Muddy caravans..
Hello there everyone!
My second week is coming to an end, so I thought to let you know what I have been up to! A very exciting thing happened this week!. We have moved our caravan over to the site! The seasonal ranger will be living here for about six months so that the site can be protected overnight too. You never know what happens when the sun is down!

It was quite the struggle to get the caravan up there by the way.. We had to transport it from the visitor centre all the way around the reserve and through meadows until we finally reached the Peregrine Watch Site. Because of the rainfall the way up became very muddy, so the best thing to do would have been to wait until the ground would get firm.. We would have to get a very cold day so that the ground would freeze. But we couldn’t wait very much longer, so we just took the shot!
Guess what happened, the caravan got stuck in the mud! Luckily, the tree fellers were up there as well and lended us a helping hand. They had good machines with a good grip on the ground. Slowly but surely the caravan got moving again! Thank you tree fellers! Next week we would have to go up there again, because it’s still not in the right place and it got all muddy on the outside..
Of course the Peregrine Watch is coming soon. We have a lot to prepare for! I’ve updated the stock, because of course we won’t be selling the same things and it’s nice to have some variety :P. Also I’ve been promoting our events on the internet, check them on or just on facebook!
I’ve also done some work in the reserve. Because of the tree felling a certain path can’t be walked, so I’ve marked a temporary route by sawing some branches and putting them in place with the right sign. I’ve walked the Victorian Trail, so nice that it takes you through the entire reserve and you learn some cool things! And we’ve done some nest box checking!
That was my week! Keep checking the blog for more cool things!
Susanne Maas
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Hello there everyone! My second week is coming to an end, so I thought to let you know what I have been up to! A very exciting thing happened this week!. …