A cool (literally) start!
Hello there everyone!
I’ve just started as an intern this week at the Falls of Clyde and I’m thrilled to let you know what I’ve been up to this week and what I’ll be doing here in the coming months! This week is a cool (literally) start! I’m Susanne, from the Netherlands, and I’ll be working at the Peregrine watch site that I’m sure you’ve all heard about already. Laura Preston has shown me around the reserve and I must say, it’s an absolutely gorgeous place and I’m so fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer here!

Of course the falls, they are magnificent. Across the road there is Dundaff Linn, which I get to see almost every day. A bit further on in the reserve there is Corra Linn, I’ve never seen a waterfall quite as stunning as her! But then of course, there’s no waterfalls in my country.. And then of course Bonnington Linn, where unfortunately the water level wasn’t high enough for, but I could imagine it being breathtaking!
This week I also helped out alongside Laura to check the bird boxes. In one of them we even found eggs! After doing a bit of research we can determine they are two blue tit eggs. Unfortunately these were eggs that didn’t hatch in the previous season and so got left in the nest.

Next to the peregrine watch, I’ll also be busy with the making of a survey. It’s important to know, and it’s also a part of the vision of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, people’s knowledge and enthusiasm about wildlife and how or if a visit to the Falls of Clyde, or the Trust in general, influences these things. Perhaps you might be interested in taking part in this survey? Then I’ll see you in the peregrine watch season, starting end of March!
Well, this would be it from me now. You’ll be hearing more from me these coming months!
Susanne Maas – Scottish Wildlife Trust
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Hello there everyone! I’ve just started as an intern this week at the Falls of Clyde and I’m thrilled to let you know what I’ve been up to this week …