Osprey over Montrose Basin

Montrose Basin has been a popular area for ospreys for years!

What do they eat?

Virtually any fish they can carry back to land. Here, Montrose Basin, ospreys have been sighted to hunt flatfish, trout and salmon at low tide.


Lunch time! Stunning footage of the osprey feeding at Montrose Basin.

September 2013


When is it best to spot?

April through to September at low tide, as the channels to the estuary narrow as the tide recedes, improves their chances of catching fish in a shallower/narrower area. The previous year, views from Visitor Centre of an osprey feeding was an almost daily occurrence during low tide!

Osprey, Montrose Basin by Gus Guthrie(c) Gus Guthrie 2014


Where is the best area to spot an Osprey?

Here in the Visitor Centre! Complete view of the Montrose Basin, spot with the naked eye and our optics to view in greater detail.


Posing for our camera! I guess if you looked as good as he does, why not?

July 2013


For more information on Ospreys, especially in Loch of the Lowes, visit SWT blog: http://blogs.scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/osprey/



Visitor Centre Volunteer Intern

Montrose Basin Visitor Centre

Email: montrosebasin@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk

Facebook: Montrose-Basin-Wildlife-Reserve-and-Visitor Centre

Twitter: @MontroseBasin

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Montrose Basin has been a popular area for ospreys for years! What do they eat? Virtually any fish they can carry back to land. Here, Montrose Basin, ospreys have been …

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