New Victorian Grand Tour Date!
I am pleased to announce that we will be holding another Victorian grand tour guided walk on the reserve this month! On Saturday 9th August Lady Geraldine Lockhart Ross will be returning to the reserve to guide you through the woodlands and explore the history of the buildings that can still be seen in the woodlands and linking in with the history surrounding New Lanark. From the ruins of Corra castle and the architectural features that are all that remain of the Bonnington estate to the many visitors exploring the falls and woodlands as part of their grand tour around Britain this walk will guide you through the different ages of history.

If you missed our Victorian tour earlier this month or simply wanting a walk with a difference and are keen to learn more about the history and wildlife on the reserve, then this event will provide the perfect opportunity to get out into the woodland and see the reserve in a whole new light!
The walk will begin at 2pm at our visitor centre and last for about two hours. For more information and to book places on this event please call our Falls of Clyde office on 01555 665 262. Booking is essential.
Hope to see you there!
Alex Kekewich – Falls of Clyde Seasonal Ranger
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I am pleased to announce that we will be holding another Victorian grand tour guided walk on the reserve this month! On Saturday 9th August Lady Geraldine Lockhart Ross will be …