Our peregrines are ready – are you!
Both our peregrines were spotted on Friday looking in really good condition, although they are getting on a bit now, they still have an excellent chance of breeding successfully this year. Our peregrine ranger will be starting early next month and will be keeping a very close eye on them but it seems they are already showing pair bonding behaviour. Our falcon was looking for food from the tiercel which is common at this time of year. The birds get reacquainted and the male often brings her food. This is to show her that he is still a good hunter and can provide for her and her chicks when the time comes.

At Hyndford bridge this Monday morning my colleague spotted one of our peregrines pestering a corvid that had hold of a dead bird. We can only surmise that the peregrine had caught the dead bird (we think it may have been a pigeon), knocked it to the ground and the corvid (possibly a crow) picked it up and was trying to steal it. With enough pestering; the peregrine will manage to get it back again, our corvid is no match for a peregrine falcon!
We can’t be one hundred percent sure that it was our peregrine falcon but it is highly likely, Hyndford bridge is only a few miles from the Falls of Clyde and is within our peregrines core territory. They would not tolerate other peregrines in this area especially at the beginning of the breeding season.
I always find it really exciting at this time of year with the prospect of spring coming so soon. It will be nice to hear the birds singing and see wildflowers on the ground once again!
Laura Preston – Scottish Wildlife Trust, Falls of Clyde Ranger
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Both our peregrines were spotted on Friday looking in really good condition, although they are getting on a bit now, they still have an excellent chance of breeding successfully this …