White-Tailed Eagle Update

Updating the information from the previous blog, the White-Tailed Eagle seen last week has been identified as the 2011 indivudual Red ”E”.  This male was one of 16 released in 2011 after being introduced from Norway and overwintered at the RSPB’s Loch Leven reserve for most of this winter.

It has been seen on the reserve for the last 3 days (27th, 28th and 1st of March) and is usually seen on the mud flats during low tide.  We have now submitted our information to the East Scotland Sea Eagles Project, so will keep the blog up to date with any new information.

Craig Shepherd,

Visitor Centre Assistant Manager.

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Updating the information from the previous blog, the White-Tailed Eagle seen last week has been identified as the 2011 indivudual Red ”E”.  This male was one of 16 released in …

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