Breaking news!
The crack in the path is expanding; it’s rather exciting actually. It’s been a very long time since we had any major subsidence on the reserve and our wee section of path beyond Corra Linn is certainly demanding much of our attention. Not only are there now two cracks in the path one of which is reaching up to 25m long and 1m deep but we have had a land slip above and below the path. This is why it is really important to follow our diversions or at least use your common sense, although such a thing seems as endangered as the panda now!

Thankfully the peregrines don’t care about such trivial things as paths collapsing beneath us. If only we could all fly and then there would be no scars upon the landscape! Last week I was lucky enough to see three peregrines in one walk. One of last year’s juveniles was spotted flying above the boardwalk and our falcon and tiercel were up at the nest site. They were both sitting at the top of their favourite oak although the falcon seemed a bit unsure of herself. Being that bit bigger she tends not to sit so high up. The male had caught a pigeon for her as part of their pair bonding. It’s nice to see them getting reacquainted. And how do I know it was a pigeon? Well, as she was plucking her prey item a fresh bloodied feather spiralled down towards my feet. I like to think it was a gift for me as I love to collect feathers but I’m sure it was purely accidental.
Other birds that have been spotted at the Falls of Clyde include the kingfisher and goosanders, lots of chaffinches, blue tits and great tits, the odd blackbird and wren and of course Mr Heron (although it could be a Mrs).
Laura Whitfield – Falls of Clyde Ranger
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The crack in the path is expanding; it’s rather exciting actually. It’s been a very long time since we had any major subsidence on the reserve and our wee section …