An unkindness of ravens: collective nouns
We were talking to a visitor to the reserve about a large group of ravens he had seen and were trying to find out what the name for such a group would be. Upon searching the internet I found a long list of collective nouns for mammals and birds and have picked out a few to share.
Some species have very attractive group names like a charm of goldfinches, a murmuration of starlings and even a bazaar of guillemots! while others have more sinister names such as an unkindness or conspiracy of ravens and a murder of crows! There were also animals that had several collective nouns. For instance a family of otters can also be called a romp or raft.
Next time you are visiting Falls of Clyde you may well spot a cete of badgers or even a cadge of peregrines!!
Bye for now!
Alex Kekewich (Assistant Ranger at Falls of Clyde)
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We were talking to a visitor to the reserve about a large group of ravens he had seen and were trying to find out what the name for such a …