Autumn Antlers

Autumn is a great time to see fungi on the reserve like this Yellow Stagshorn (Calocera viscosa) which loves the soil of conifer woodland especially around tree stumps or fallen branches. The bright orange branches stand out against the leaf litter and pine needles, bringing a bit of colour to the forest floor. Fungi also make up an important part of the diets for many animals preparing for winter, providing protein for slugs, small mammals as well as the resident badgers. Therefore a lot of the fungi look like as though something has had a bit of a nibble on them!!
Bye for now!
Alex Kekewich (Assistant Ranger at Falls of Clyde)
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Autumn is a great time to see fungi on the reserve like this Yellow Stagshorn (Calocera viscosa) which loves the soil of conifer woodland especially around tree stumps or fallen …