New Peregrine Breeding Season
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the new breeding season at the Falls of Clyde! My name is Tom Wells and I will be the peregrine protection officer for 2012.
I have observed a number of peregrine nest sites throughout the country, but I have never had such a great view of this inspiring bird. The site is fantastic and I urge anyone who has not visited to do so, it would be great to meet you! I look forward to being to be able to follow the fortunes of the peregrines and to share this with you over the coming season.
I am delighted to be able to tell you that our pair have survived the winter and remain in the gorge for another year. The male is now at least 15 and the female 10. Courtship is still in full swing between the two, they have been communicating with each other using a variety of calls and postures. The tiercel has also been bringing in food gifts, such as starlings, for the falcon.
Our pair are currently in the process of nest selection. The falcon will get the final say over the nest site, although at the moment they seem to be in agreement. First the male and now the female have been favouring the ledge last used in 2010. The image below, shows the falcon feeding the eyasses on this ledge during the breeding season of 2010.
The falcon has been scraping the site, throwing out leaves and generally trying to make it comfortable. I don’t blame her considering she may well be spending much of april sat there incubating! Although we are encouraged and excited by these signs, due to rocks and vegetation on the ledge it may be difficult, as in 2010, to see the eggs once they are laid! It has been known for the falcon to spend a lot of time preparing a ledge and then change her mind last minute and move elsewhere, so we shall see.
I will be updating the blog regularly over the coming months so watch this space!
Tom Wells – Peregrine Protection Officer
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Hello everyone, Welcome to the new breeding season at the Falls of Clyde! My name is Tom Wells and I will be the peregrine protection officer for 2012. I have …