Eggs and Intrustion

There were further developments at the eyrie today. At 09:30 this morning the female was sat incubating when she sat up uncomfortably, and showed signs that she was laying another egg.

There was much more incubation today from both birds, which confirmed we have at least another egg in the nest. The pair mated again noisily this afternoon. For the past few years the falcon has laid 3 eggs, so we shall expect at least another laying over the next few days.

At mid morning the pair had an intrusion from a first summer female, a bird born last year. I identified the falcon as a first year bird due to the level of brown feathering in her wings and back. She was not a bird from this site as the pair fledged 2 males in 2011.

The young falcon was chased up the gorge by a pair of ravens breeding a little down stream, she must have got slightly too close to their young. We don’t see much interaction between the ravens and peregrines normally, they seem to have some kind of uneasy pact! Subsequently she landed in a large oak tree above the peregrine breeding cliff.

Our falcon, who was incubating at the time, noticed this and sat up on the nest, giving a loud warning call. The first year female didn’t hang around to see what would happen if she didn’t adhere to this alarm, and continued on her way.

Just a quick reminder, it’s the official launch day tomorrow for the Falls of Clyde peregrine watch 2012. If you can make it along that would be great, these birds really are worth it!

Tom Wells – Peregrine Protection Officer

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There were further developments at the eyrie today. At 09:30 this morning the female was sat incubating when she sat up uncomfortably, and showed signs that she was laying another …

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