Aberdeen Wildlife Watch Group


Aberdeen Wildlife Watch group will be starting soon! Check back for more information on how get involved.

The group is currently recruiting volunteers to help run the sessions. To find out more information and how to apply, visit our website here: Volunteering opportunities | Scottish Wildlife Trust



The Aberdeen Wildlife Watch group usually meets once a month, but dates, times and locations may vary according to the activity.


The group is currently deciding on locations to meet. Check back for more information soon!

For who?

The group is for children aged 8 – 12 years old. For younger children parents/guardians must stay with your child and respect the Wildlife Watch guidelines for attending parents/guardians

What we do

We put on a wide range of activities, from nature trails to scavenger hunts, arts and crafts to fungal forays.

How to get involved

If you would like to get involved, please send us an email using the link on the right.

Please note spaces are limited and must be booked in advance.

Remember to dress for all weathers and potential wet feet for outdoor activities.

We look forward to seeing you!

Watch group information

Email Aberdeen Wildlife Watch Group


Where and when?

Where we meet

We meet at various locations in the Aberdeen area, so please check the details of our next event to find out where to come!


Aberdeen Wildlife Watch Group


About Aberdeen Wildlife Watch Group

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