Make nature story stones

Story stones are pictures painted or drawn on smooth stones that can be used as an aid in storytelling. The images are an excellent way to act as prompts for stories. Simply arrange them in a line and take turns telling nature stories.

You could also put them in a bag and randomly choose five to theme your story around. You don’t need to be a professional story-teller – even the most basic of stories can end up being beautiful/ funny/ inspiring/ silly so don’t be shy. You’ll be amazed how this sparks your imagination and aids learning.

You can add to your story stone collection over time. See what works, and think about the characters, actions, or themes you could add. Check out our woodland themed story stones below:


Nature story stones (c) Lyndsay Mark

What you will need:

  • Smooth stones
  • Pens (Acrylic work really well and sharpie pens are long lasting)

How to make your story stones:

  1. Head out and collect your stones, whether from your garden, the woods or the beach.
  2. Wash and dry your stones.
  3. Draw directly on to the stone. Keep to simple symbols if you’re a beginner. Use nature around you for inspiration!
  4. You can finish off with a thin layer of varnish to protect your stones.
  5. Try to think of different actions, sights, sounds, characters which will make your story more entertaining.
  6. Get story telling using the rules above or make up your own rules!

Share your stories using #DiscoverLearnPlay

Time to complete

1 hour

Suitable for audience

Suitable for season

Suitable location

Suitable for age

Environmental Spotlight

Curriculum linked

Expressive Arts (Art and design)

Literacy (Tools for listening and talking)

Sciences (Planet Earth)


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