Have a go at pond dipping

Pond dipping offers the opportunity to learn about food chains and food webs as well as discovering some of the amazing insect transformations during their lifecycles. It doesn’t need to be limited to a pond either – you can give it a go in a river or stream too.

Top Tip: May to August are the best months for pond dipping!


(c) Katrina Martin/2020VISION


With so many species harbouring in our ponds it can be tricky to identify what you catch, but don’t worry! We have created a pond identification sheet which you can download below and print out to help. There are also lots of other resources you can find online, or sometimes a simple google will do the trick!

Don’t forget to think about safety when pond dipping! You can find our Pond Dipping Safety and Tips in the educator notes (downloadable below).


What you will need:

  • A light-coloured shallow tray or container
  • A few teaspoons
  • Magnifying glasses (optional)
  • Paper and pencils for recording
  • Printed identification sheet
  • Nets (for younger children, a small aquarium net is ideal). Optional: You can make your own nets by following the downloadable guide below!

How to pond dip:

  1. Put a small amount of pond water into your tray. Now dip your net in the pond and pull it through the water – try a figure of 8 movement! Always have children kneel when doing this.
  2. Empty your net into the tray, wait for the water to settle and look carefully – some creatures are very small! You can use a spoon to scoop up any creatures for a closer look – don’t use your hands.
  3. Use the identification sheet to help you record what you find. When finished, gently empty trays into the pond. Wash all hands afterwards and disinfect your nets and trays (this helps stop the spread of diseases).


To add some extra elements to the activity, your group could also:

  • Draw pictures of the creatures they found
  • Write a short story or poem about their experience
  • Research a creature and its lifecycle under the water and present to the group


Share your pond dip finds with us by using #DiscoverLearnPlay

Time to complete

Up to an hour

Suitable for audience

Suitable for season

Suitable location

Suitable for age

Environmental Spotlight

Curriculum linked

Health and Wellbeing (Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing; Physical sport and activity)

Sciences (Planet Earth)

Social Studies (People, place and environment)

Advice for Educators

You can download and print our educator notes at the bottom of the page. This includes some pond dipping safety and top tips too!


If you are looking for somewhere to pond dip, try your local park or other green space. Some places even have special pond dipping platforms. Always remember to get permission before pond dipping.


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