Go wild with your colouring in

Everyone loves a bit of colouring in! Why not give your colouring a wildlife theme… You can go for some bright bird colouring, or is today the turn for minibeasts?

Our sheets are themed into biological groups with species names beneath them so you might pick up some ID skills as you go. You could colour them any way you like, or make them really accurate and true to the real life species – get creative and give it a go.

What you will need:

  • Printed colouring in sheet(s)
  • Colouring pens/pencils/crayons

How to complete your colouring sheets:

  1. Choose one of the colouring sheets below to download and print it out onto A4 plain paper.
  2. Start colouring! How you colour is entirely up to you – why not do a mix of imaginative colours, and accurate real life pictures?


Share photos of your colouring using #DiscoverLearnPlay

Time to complete

20 minutes

Suitable for audience

Suitable for season

Suitable location

Suitable for age

Environmental Spotlight

Curriculum linked

Expressive arts (Art and design)

Sciences (Planet Earth)


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