Scottish Wildlife Issue 109

In this issue:

  • 06 LOWLAND GRASSLAND A look at this vital, but dwindling, species-rich habitat.
  • 08 NEWS News round-up from the Trust and the world of conservation.
  • 16 TAKING ACTION Rich Rowe explores how volunteering with the Trust has the power to enrich people, place and communities.
  • 20 MICROVOLUNTEERING Our top 10 ideas for ‘microvolunteering’ activities to help Scotland’s wildlife.
  • 22 Q&A With Roger Owen, Chair, Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Local Group.
  • 24 THE NIGHT SHIFT Anna Levin delves into the mysterious world of night-time pollinators.
  • 28 VERTICAL FARMING Tanveer Khan outlines an innovative solution to the challenges of reforestation.
  • 31 BIG PICTURE Jamie McDermaid captures a striking image of a yellowhammer close to home.
  • 32 WATCH OUT FOR Things to enjoy in the coming months.
  • 34 VIEWPOINT Wildlife artist Jane Smith on why small beasts are just as compelling as big ones.

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