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Urban pollinator study could benefit Edinburgh

The Trust is commending research which could help Scotland’s capital become a safe haven for pollinators. Researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Edinburgh, Leeds and Reading in collaboration with the University

Infographic shows what’s in Burns Night dram

A groundbreaking initiative that aims to safeguard Scotland’s vital natural capital has released a new infographic to show how our whole economy is reliant on the health of our natural

Trust Chief Executive calls for lynx reintroduction

The Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Chief Executive, Jonny Hughes, has called for the reintroduction of the once native Eurasian lynx to Scotland. The Trust believes there is both a moral and ecological case

Burn off Christmas calories on a Trust reserves

The Trust is encouraging people to burn off the extra Christmas calories by visiting any of it 120 reserves across Scotland. The Trust’s reserves cover more than 20,000 hectares, with 90%

Trust raises funds in Crystal Dome Challenge

Last week, the Trust raised, £411 in’s ‘Christmas Dome Challenge’ in Edinburgh. The event – which was inspired by 90s TV game show, The Crystal Maze – gave teams

Partners publish final Scottish Beaver Trial report

The partner organisations behind the Scottish Beaver Trial (SBT) – the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and the Scottish Wildlife Trust– today published their final report on this groundbreaking

Scottish wildlife needs IT equipment!

The Scottish Wildlife Trust has written a special 50th Anniversary Christmas wish list in the hope that IT firms may provide some vital hardware. In a recent IT review, the

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