Wildlife of Nanda Devi and Rajasthan

Discover the wildlife encountered on a journey through two regions of the Himalaya. The talk will describe a trek to the eastern side of Nanda Devi (the highest mountain totally within India and, at one time, thought to be the highest mountain on Earth), taking particular note of the flora and fauna. The second part of the trip was to Rajasthan and here we will see examples of palaces and forts, visit a wildlife park and enjoy the largest camel fair on the planet.

Meet at Volunteer Hall, Langtongate, Duns, TD11 3AF. Car parking on street nearby and accessible by public transport. Family friendly but children 8+ years only please, with an adult.

To find out more, and for any booking queries, please contact David Long on 01578 740210, lammermuir10@gmail.com or via swtduns@gmail.com

Suggested donation: £2 per person.







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