“Why Not Scotland?” film screening

Join the Stirling and Clackmannanshire Group as we host a screening of "Why not Scotland?",  SCOTLAND: The Big Picture’s feature-length documentary as part of HUBBUB 2025. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session.

As we stand at a vital crossroads in the future of our land and seas, "Why Not Scotland?" explores the Scottish landscape through the eyes of Flo, a young Scot from Glasgow. Seeing the depleted state of nature across her own country, Flo feels dispirited and, like many of her generation, increasingly fearful about an uncertain future. However, on a journey around Europe, Flo encounters a different story, finding places where nature is making a dramatic comeback, revitalising human communities. Encouraged by these stories of hope and renewal, she is prompted to wonder: if this is possible elsewhere, then why not Scotland?

The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with James Nairne (Northwoods Project Lead for Scotland the Big Picture), Guy Harewood (Stirling & Clackmannanshire Group of Scottish Wildlife Trust) and Gabi Brame (Green & Blue Space at Stirling University).

The event will take place in the Playhouse Theatre in the Macrobert Arts Centre.

Booking is through the Macrobert's website using this link.

The ‘You Choose’ pricing system allows attendees to select to pay £3, £5 or £7.

There is a car parking charge of £3.00. The venue has disabled access.

Image: Forest treetops © Tom Marshall/2020VISION

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