The Story of Carstramon Wood

Celebrate the Trust's 60th Anniversary by joining us to hear the story of this special place for wildlife

In celebration of the Scottish Wildlife Trust's 60th anniversary, Trust members are invited to join Engagement Officer Rachel Faichnie in conversation with Reserve Convenor Dr Peter Garson, alongside others who have a special relationship with this wildlife reserve.

In this intimate event, the group will walk through the reserve with Peter as he shares inspiring stories from its history as a Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve and beyond.

Meet at the main entrance to the reserve (instructions can be found here). Note that there is limited parking at this site - please consider car-sharing where possible.

Additional information

Please note the conversation will also be recorded as part of an upcoming podcast series.

Children must be over 12 and accompanied by an adult, and no dogs are permitted except assistance dogs.


This event is open to Scottish Wildlife Trust members only and booking is essential. To find out more and for any booking enquiries please contact Gill Hatcher, Engagement Manager at

Please note that due to the small number of tickets available, a maximum of two tickets can be booked per membership.

Image © Steve Blow






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