Small Isles snorkel trail launch

Join the Small Isles Community Council, Eigg Guiding and the Trust to celebrate the launch of the NEW Small Isles snorkel trail!

Join the Small Isles Community Council, Eigg Guiding and the Trust to celebrate the launch of the NEW Small Isles snorkel trail!

Have you been hoping for an unforgettable ocean adventure this summer? Well look no further, we've got the perfect event for you...

Whether you're a solo explorer open to making marine-minded mates or have the whole family and friends gang in tow, join this coastal community celebration of Small Isles snorkelling!

The Small Isles of Canna, Eigg, Muck and Rum are connected in many ways, through the surrounding marine habitats, spectacular geological features, renewable energy power systems and resilient communities. However each island has its own character, from being unique Hebridean havens for wildlife to the home of rich cultural heritages connected with the sea. We invite you to experience this for yourself!

The Small Isles Community Council and Scottish Wildlife Trust have been working closely with communities and businesses across the Small Isles, to develop the Small Isles snorkel trail - a self-led guide to exploring the best snorkel spots around this stunning Hebridean archipelago. We hope this resource will:

  • help make oceans more accessible to more people
  • support responsible eco-tourism across the Small Isles
  • inspire people to connect with, value and protect the wildlife in Scotland's seas

Local groups and individuals are working hard behind the scenes to offer a fun variety of activities as part of this Small Isles snorkel celebration. Activities will include:

· A beach picnic (teas, coffees, cakes and great chat guaranteed!)

· Snorkel taster sessions (led by the The Isle of Eigg Guiding Co., who will provide wetsuits and snorkel gear - turn up and try it out! £X per person, pay on the day with cash or card)

· Rockpool ramble (join Norah Barnes, the Isle of Eigg Ranger, to discover the marine treasures hiding in plain sight within rockpools)

· Seabird stroll (bring your binoculars and join a gentle walk down the peninsula to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature - from seabirds to seals we hope to see plenty!)

Thank you to our funders, the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, who have made the creation of this snorkel trail and the launch event possible.

For any questions or further information, please email Elouise Dalziel (

We look forward to seaing you there!

photo credits ©Norah Barnes

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