As well as spectacular views of this famous loch, you’ll get to explore woodland, grassland and all of the wildlife that lives there. In spring, wildflowers are abundant and the air is filled with song as birds compete to establish territories and attract a mate.
We shall be meeting at RSPB Loch Lomond Reserve, High Wards Farm, Gartocharn, West Dunbartonshire, G83 8SB. What3Words guru.sobered.surveyors, Grid Reference NS43858694
Booking essential. Children must be at least 8 years of age and accompanied by an adult.
Please wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear. You may also wish to bring binoculars and a packed lunch.
Suggested donation £2 per person. All donations help us to continue to bring an interesting and varied selection of events to our audience as well as supporting local wildlife causes. Please donate if you can.
To find out more, and for any booking enquiries, please contact Moira Wadsworth at
We will require an emergency contact for each person attending the event – please provide a name and mobile number, so that we can respond appropriately in an emergency, at the time of booking.
Bookable face-to-face events may be subject to change at short notice, which will be communicated to attendees via email by the organiser. Please check your email in advance of attending events. Note that booking generally ends two hours prior to the event start time. If you wish to book to attend after registration has ended, and there are places still available, please contact the organiser direct using the details above.
No dogs allowed except assistance dogs. Accessible by public transport.
Image: Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus © Mark Hamblin/2020VISION
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