Dr Tom Prescott, Head of Conservation (Scotland) at Butterfly Conservation will highlight the 30 species of butterfly that occur in the Highlands, what Butterfly Conservation Scotland is doing to help those in need and how you can get involved. This talk will be followed by the North of Scotland Local Group Annual General Meeting.
Booking for this event is essential. This event will be conducted via a Zoom video link. Please note that this meeting may be recorded for public viewing later.
When booking, CHOOSE EITHER the free Household Ticket OR the Household Ticket with Donation (minimum donation £1). All donations help us to continue to bring an interesting and varied selection of online talks to our audience as well as supporting local wildlife causes. Please donate if you can.
For more information, and for any booking enquiries, please contact swtnosgroup@gmail.com
Image: Small pearl-bordered fritillary © Tom Marshall
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