A talk from Tom Bowser: red kites, beavers and rewilding

By determination and a passion for wildlife, nature writer and journalist Tom Bowser is successfully rewilding his family farm in Stirlingshire. Hear how a working livestock farm can be a haven for native wildlife including recently introduced beavers.

This event is being run in partnership with Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre and Birnam Arts, raising funds in support of both organisations. It will take place at Birnam Arts, Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld, PH8 0DS.

Booking is essential with a limited number of tickets being available from Birnam Arts - visit https://birnamarts.com/event-Tom-Bowser-Red-Kites-Beavers-and-Rewilding-id220 to book, or email lochofthelowes@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk for further information.

Image: © Andy Rouse/2020VISION









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