Young Green List winner commended by Scottish Wildlife Trust

An inspiring 19-year-old from Glasgow with a passion for nature, who has been named as one of the top five young green champions in Scotland, has received praise for his hard work from the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

Recognised as a ‘Green Champion’ by the Young Scottish Green List, an initiative run by the Scottish Sustainable Development Forum to celebrate inspiring young people who are working towards a green, fair, and inclusive Scotland, Stuart Bence, aged 19, will be awarded £250, thanks to sponsorship from the Scottish Wildlife Trust, for his work to promote green-living and spread an appreciation of Scotland’s wildlife amongst his peers.

Jo Pike, the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Director of Marketing, said:  “Stuart is a fantastic example of a young person who is naturally inspired by nature and has dedicated his time to promoting its importance and to encouraging others to get outdoors to experience and appreciate wildlife for themselves.

“Establishing and promoting eco-groups in primary and secondary schools, helping to establish and run a wildlife garden, organising trips to explore Scotland’s wild places and wildlife, and volunteering to carry out ecological surveys in places of natural importance, Stuart demonstrates the difference one dedicated person can make – and how much variety volunteering for the environmental sector can offer.   

“We are a proud sponsor of the Young Scottish Green List, which is a valuable way of recognising the individuals making a valuable contribution to sustainable living in their community.”



Notes to Editors

1.      The Scottish Wildlife Trust is the largest voluntary body working for all the wildlife of Scotland, representing more than 35,000 members who care for wildlife and the environment. The Scottish Wildlife Trust seeks to raise public awareness of threatened habitats and species and manages over 120 reserves Scotland-wide.

2.      The Scottish Wildlife Trust receives financial assistance and support from a range of organisations, funders and individuals including Scottish Natural Heritage and People’s Postcode Lottery.


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An inspiring 19-year-old from Glasgow with a passion for nature, who has been named as one of the top five young green champions in Scotland, has received praise for his …

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