Unique puffin sculpture up for grabs

Place your bid here before 5 pm Sunday 13 March 2011

A unique, bronze puffin sculpture, which has spent the last six months travelling aboard aPuffin scuplture (c) Steve Gardner ferry between Aberdeen and the Northern Isles, is now being auctioned on eBay to raise money for the Scottish Wildlife Trust, it was announced today (4 March 2011).

The life-size, limited edition sculpture, measuring 27 cm in height, was installed on the NorthLink ferry, MV Hrossey, in August to spend the winter at sea mirroring the natural habits of its real-life counterparts.

Donated by Derbyshire based sculptor and Scottish Wildlife Trust member, Eddie Hallam, the unique work of art is estimated to be worth around £1200.

Eddie said, “I’ve been a member of the Trust for several years and I’m delighted to be able to give something back to support Scottish wildlife.

Originally cast in bronze, the puffin’s time at sea has dramatically changed its appearance, producing a wonderful mottled green finish.”

Lucy Graham, the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Head of Development, said:  “This puffin has been on a fantastic adventure, and the patina created by its time at sea makes you realise just what the wild puffins have to endure. We hope the auction will attract many bidders for the chance to own this remarkable wildlife sculpture”

The person submitting the highest bid when the auction closes at 5pm on Sunday, 13th March will win the sculpture. To enter your bid, visit www.eBay.co.uk/charity and search for Scottish Wildlife Trust under the ‘Favourite Charity’ link at the bottom of the page”

Clara Govier, People’s Postcode Lottery’s Head of Charities, said:  “Last August, we were very inspired about the inventive journey this puffin sculpture set out on, and we were delighted to get involved in the adventure by running a competition to name the puffin.

“The winning name Amber, chosen by the children of the Scottish Wildlife Trust WATCH group, The Great Auks, reflects the puffin’s conservation status as a species with an unfavourable but recovering conservation status in Europe.

“Players of the People’s Postcode Lottery have already helped us raise support for the Scottish Wildlife Trust, a charity which does important work to protect Scotland’s wildlife for the future.  Playing the People’s Postcode Lottery is one way to support local charities, but we hope that this auction also helps to support the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s cause.”

Peter Hutchinson from NorthLink Ferries said “Two puffins on our ferries Hrossey and Hjaltland set out from the ferry terminal at Aberdeen in August to begin their adventures.  While Amber, a donation from Eddie Hallam to the Scottish Wildlife Trust, is now being auctioned off on eBay, the other sculpture will remain with us and can be seen by passengers on our ferry MV Hjaltland.

We were delighted to get involved with this initiative.  The puffin sculpture is really helping to engage visitors with the stunning wildlife of the Northern Isles.”

For more information about the charity auction email whill@swt.org.uk or call 0131 312 4772.  For more information about Eddie Hallam’s work, visit www.wildlifesculptures.co.uk.



Nicola McGovern, PR and Communications Manager, Scottish Wildlife Trust, 0131 312 4742
Notes to Editors

1. The Scottish Wildlife Trust is the largest voluntary body working for all the wildlife of Scotland, representing more than 35,000 members who care for wildlife and the environment. The Scottish Wildlife Trust seeks to raise public awareness of threatened habitats and species and manages over 120 reserves Scotland-wide.

2. The Scottish Wildlife Trust receives financial assistance and support from a range of organisations, funders and individuals including Scottish Natural Heritage and People’s Postcode Lottery.

3. NorthLink Ferries sail each evening from Aberdeen to the Northern Isles and offers a regular shuttle service from Scrabster in Caithness to Stromness in Orkney.  Visit www.northlinkferries.co.uk for more information.

4. VisitScotland is Scotland’s national tourist board. Visit www.visitorkney.com to plan a break to Orkney.


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Place your bid here before 5 pm Sunday 13 March 2011 A unique, bronze puffin sculpture, which has spent the last six months travelling aboard a ferry between Aberdeen and the …

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