The Scottish Wildlife Trust has welcomed the publication of the Scottish Wild Salmon Strategy. This document demonstrates the vast number of threats faced by Atlantic salmon, both in Scotland’s lochs and rivers and at sea. It also details the wide range of actions that can be taken to secure the recovery of the species.

The Trust’s Director of Conservation Sarah Robinson contributed to the development of the strategy on behalf of Scottish Environment LINK. She said: “Atlantic salmon have a life cycle that takes them from upland burns and rivers to the open ocean. This incredible journey means they are an important indicator of the health of Scotland’s land, freshwater and marine environments. The steady and acute decline in salmon numbers over recent decades is therefore worrying not only for salmon but for Scotland’s environment as a whole.
“We’re pleased this strategy acknowledges the barrage of threats faced by salmon, which includes unsustainable aquaculture, loss of riparian habitat and man-made barriers blocking their migration routes. Climate change is also threatening their survival. Reversing these threats needs a wide-ranging and ambitious response. With Scotland’s salmon at crisis point we need to see urgent action.
“We welcome the new strategy as an important step forward. Its five priority themes clearly identify the areas of greatest concern that are within the power of the Scottish Government to address. We look forward to continue working with the government and other stakeholders towards the recovery of one of the country’s most iconic species.”