Scotland gets its Marine Act

Scotland gets its Marine Act
The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 this week received its Royal Assent. This is the culmination of many years’ campaigning by the Scottish Wildlife Trust and a wide coalition of environmental bodies.
Becky Boyd, SWT’s marine policy officer and vice-convener of the Scottish Environment LINK Marine Taskforce said:
“Finally having a Marine Act is fantastic news for Scotland’s seas. SWT members had a real, positive influence on the legislation without which the Act would be far weaker. We now have a duty on Scottish Ministers to enhance the health of our seas and a requirement for a network of Marine Protected Areas for nature conservation.
“Now that these important duties are written into law, we will be watching very closely to make sure that they are delivered.”
The main measures include:
  • A National Marine Plan to give greater clarity to decision making in the marine environment and encourage investment
  • A simpler licensing system to cut bureaucracy and introduce efficiencies to encourage economic investment and growth
  • New powers to select and manage Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to enhance marine biodiversity and preserve historic assets
  • Improved protection for seals, including a comprehensive licence system and tougher penalties for those who harm seals
  • The powers in the Act complement the provisions of the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which created new responsibilities for Scottish Ministers on marine planning and conservation in offshore waters outside 12 nautical miles

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Scotland gets its Marine Act   The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 this week received its Royal Assent. This is the culmination of many years’ campaigning by the Scottish Wildlife Trust …

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