Making the right climate choices

After receiving an invite from the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) will be attending an important climate change summit at the European Parliament this Thursday and Friday (12 and 13 June 2008). The Climate Change Agora is being held to bring together eminent NGOs and climate experts to be heard by MEPs, and to debate climate change and EU-wide measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

SWT has identified climate change as probably the greatest threat to wildlife in the coming decades. They will debate the current race to combat CO2 emissions and develop low carbon alternatives such as the expansion of biofuels and the impacts on valuable semi-natural habitats.

Jonny Hughes, Head of Policy for SWT says “European cooperation, indeed global cooperation is the only way to tackle dangerous climate change. SWT is delighted to be contributing to this very important gathering at the European Parliament. SWT believes Scotland needs to move quickly towards a low carbon economy and thereby lead by example to the rest of Europe. We also think that this shift must not be at the expense of important wildlife habitats. The disastrous expansion of unsustainable biofuels and the recent threats to peatlands from wind farms are both examples of ‘unsustainable’ responses to climate change. SWT hopes to demonstrate to colleagues from across Europe that we can save habitats AND cut CO2 emissions, if we get the technology and the locations right“.



1. Jonny Hughes, Head of Policy at SWT is available for comment

2. SWT is the largest voluntary body working for all the wildlife of Scotland, representing more than 30,000 members who care for wildlife and the environment. SWT seeks toraise public awareness of threatened habitats and species and manages over 120 reserves Scotland-wide.

3. SWT receives financial assistance and support from Scottish Natural Heritage.

4. SWT is a member of The Wildlife Trusts (TWT), a partnership of 47 wildlife trusts across the whole of the UK, the Isle of Man and Alderney. We are working for an environment rich in wildlife for everyone. With 670,000 members, we are the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species.


Jonny Hughes, Head of Policy, SWT

Tel: 07733119522 or email:

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After receiving an invite from the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) will be attending an important climate change summit at the European Parliament this …

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