People across Scotland are being encouraged to ‘Go Greener Together’ and to help make Scotland a cleaner, greener place to live.
Whether at home, at work or in the community, we all need to consider how we – and the people we live and work with – could be greener, and what we can do to help Scotland’s environment now and in the future. Every action we take to go greener can make a real difference when we all do it together.
Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead said:
“When we all get involved in something it can make a big difference. By working together to create a greener Scotland, we can have a big and lasting impact on the wellbeing of our families, the comfort of our homes, the quality of the places we live, and the health of the natural environment around us.
There’s no better time than the Year of Natural Scotland for us all to go greener together. Whether it’s making an effort to recycle more or doing our best to avoid excessive food waste, we can all do our bit to help make Scotland a cleaner, greener place to be.
There are many ways to go greener, which bring big benefits if we all get involved. Turning our thermostats down by just one degree, for example, not only saves money but also reduces the amount of energy we use as a country. By taking this green action, we could each save up to £65 per year as well as helping to reduce Scotland’s carbon emissions from housing.
If everyone in Scotland reduced their weekly mileage by just 5 miles a week, together we could save £109 million in fuel bills and 180,000 tonnes of CO2 a year. Huge savings can also be made by cutting down food waste – in Scotland alone, every year, the average household throws out £430 of food and drink that could have been consumed.”
Taking action now will help make Scotland cleaner and greener for you, your family and the nation as a whole. Get involved and find out what you can do by visiting for more information and advice.