A £19,896 award from SUEZ Communities Trust (formerly SITA Trust) will allow us to upgrade the footpath and install new information boards at Falls of Clyde Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve, on the edge of the New Lanark World Heritage Site.

More than 50,000 people a year visit the Falls of Clyde to enjoy the wildlife-rich ancient woodlands and view the spectacular Corra Linn, one of three waterfalls at the reserve.
Reserves Manager Steve Blow said: “Tens of thousands of people are attracted to the scenic views of the Falls of Clyde every year. This award from SUEZ Communities Trust will ensure we can keep the path in good repair, and also help visitors appreciate how important this stunning area is for wildlife.”
Falls of Clyde Wildlife Reserve is part of the Clyde Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve. Its ancient woodland stretches along both sides of the Clyde gorge from New Lanark to Bonnington Weir.
More than 100 different kinds of birds including kingfishers and dippers have been recorded at the reserve, which is also home to species including badgers, otters and bats.
Marianne Ivin of SUEZ Communities Trust added: “This is a very beautiful spot that attracts many visitors and we are delighted to be able to help with the repairs to the paths to keep the site open and safely accessible for many years to come.”
SUEZ Communities Trust provides funding awards through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund – an important source of funding which came into effect in April 2015.
The scheme is linked to the Scottish Landfill Tax and encourages landfill site operators to provide contributions to approved bodies, who can then pass the funds onto community and environmental projects.