English Forest Sell-off bad for Scotland

Plans by the UK Government to dispose of the public forest estate in England will have a detrimental effect on biodiversity conservation and forest management in Scotland.  With up to 250 Edinburgh-based Forestry Commission jobs set to go, vital research and conservation expertise will be lost, damaging conservation in Scotland. 

Scottish Wildlife Trust Head of Policy, Tony King, said:

“Scotland’s forests are under threat.  If the Forestry Commission GB sheds hundreds of skilled jobs, core expertise and experience will be lost to the sector and Scotland’s forest biodiversity will suffer.   The Scottish Wildlife Trust urges the UK Government to think again.  84% of people oppose the sell-off; it is the wrong policy at the wrong time and the damage it does will not stop at the border.”

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Plans by the UK Government to dispose of the public forest estate in England will have a detrimental effect on biodiversity conservation and forest management in Scotland.  With up to …

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