The Trust has expressed serious concerns about plans for a golf course at Coul Links near Embo in Sutherland.
Our Chief Executive Jonathan Hughes said: “It’s almost inconceivable the proposal has got this far. This is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, an EU Special Protection Area for birds and one of the few remaining stretches of coastline around the Dornoch Firth retaining a wild landscape feel. There are several links golf courses nearby including the famous Royal Dornoch just to the south and Golspie Golf Club just to the north.

“I lived at Coul Farm Cottage and the nearby village of Embo for four years in the 1990's and know Coul Links intimately. It was then a Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve under a management agreement with the owners Cambusmore Estates.
“It’s difficult to explain to those that haven’t visited the links what an exceptional stretch of unspoiled coastline this is. I’ve personally recorded Scottish wildcat, breeding little terns and rare plants such as coralroot orchid on the site.
This is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, an EU Special Protection Area for birds and one of the few remaining stretches of coastline around the Dornoch Firth retaining a wild landscape feel.
“In spring, the habitat is so alive with the song of curlews, skylarks and oystercatchers it’s hard to sleep at night. And not forgetting ‘the little things that run the world’ the SSSI is home to a plethora of rare insects including moths, ants, two-winged flies and lacewings which live on Coul Links and almost nowhere else in the British Isles.
“Allowing another sand dune SSSI to go the way of the benighted Trump development at Menie Links would be an unforgiveable and tragic loss of a protected area. The Scottish Wildlife Trust will do all it can to ensure this special place is protected for future generations.”
Find out more about our concerns about the proposed golf course at Coul Links