Trust welcomes marine litter strategy

Leading conservation charity, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has welcomed the publication by The Scottish Government of a draft strategy to help tackle the problem of marine litter in Scottish seas.

Raptor persecution measures welcomed by the Trust

The Scottish Wildlife Trust welcomes the new measures introduced by the Environment and Climate Change Minister, Paul Wheelhouse, to tackle raptor persecution.  The Trust’s Chief Executive, Simon Milne, said: “The

Trust welcomes new plan for saving nature

Scotland’s leading conservation charity, the Scottish Wildlife Trust today welcomed the new Scottish Biodiversity Strategy which chimes with the Trust’s vision for nature conservation in the 21st Century. This morning,

Moving forward from ash dieback – new video

The Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh have produced a beautiful illustrated video about ash dieback disease and the fight to contain it, placing emphasis on the need for resilient ecosystems (something

Osprey chick hatches at Loch of the Lowes

The Scottish Wildlife Trust is pleased to announce the hatching of an osprey chick, which could become the 50th chick to fledge from the bird affectionately known by many as ‘Lady’. The

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